Composite Culture on in Vitro Model (3-dimensional) of Tracheal Lumen

Tracheal epithelial cells are currently not replenishable, if lost through chemical (drug) action, intubations or other means. This invention is the first model that mimics the tracheal lumenal surface as it exists and can be used as a research tool to develop implantable tissue in future. Possible studies using this are: airway mucosal surface repair, interactions of synthetic polymers with chondrocytes and epithelial cells, roles of compounds like cytokines, transforming growth factors (TGF), etc., in re-epithelialization, preventing fistulas implanted in dialysis patients from over-epithelializing, and interactivity between epithelial and connective tissue.

The invention applies also applies to epithelializing other areas of the human body such as the skin, cornea, intestine, etc. as well as in wound healing and tissue scaffoldings, drug delivery systems, etc.

Categories: Materials & Chemicals, Biomedical Engineering

Patents Issues: 6,312,952 6,465,205

Type of Offer: Licensing

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