DeckChair Learning Systems Inc.

For Teaching and Training professionals who need to assess, track, and train time-critical skills and knowledge.

Our Product is a Software as a Service online learning system that trains and assesses learners based on their personal learning profiles. At the same time, the system analyses curriculum and content effectiveness.

Our new online technology and automatic adaptive learning methods improve training success and certification rates in all situations.

Unlike other Survey and Test applications, we have assembled an online learning engine that incorporates thinking time, decision time, and reaction times into the learning experience.

DeckChairTutor© trains people to “Think Fast”.

Market Strategy:

The path to commercialization has been to create an independent stand alone assessment and training system that is also compatible with all Learning Management Systems to be sold/licensed to Universities and other training and learning facilities. Additionally, as the system grows and is adopted by more and more content partners, it ultimately becomes a publishing medium. The infrastructure provides that any course content can be archived, manipulated and sold to other Learning Institutions creating a revenue stream for Content Developers and their associated Teaching/Training organizations.

The market is virtually limitless when taking into account every training center that, ultimately, wants to automate and digitize its learning processes and procedures to save time, save money, and improve the learning experience of each and every one of its students. DCLS is an Ontario corporation licensing intellectual property created at the University of Toronto.

Type of Offer: Software as a Service - User and Application Licensing

Type of Offer: Licensing

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