Circular Economy Challenge to Repurpose Mine Tailings

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Circular Economy Challenge to Repurpose Mine Tailings Deadline: 2018-10-15
Award: €14,000
Open to: Unknown*

A client of Ennomotive that is a leading company in raw materials extraction, storage, and production of derivatives, is seeking to reduce its environmental impact in mining sites by re-purposing the materials found in tailings, in an effort to contribute to the circular economy.

The goal of this competition is to find applications for the waste materials, mainly silica, but also smaller amounts of titanium oxide, calcium oxide, magnesium oxide, aluminum oxide, and more.

All proposed solutions will be evaluated by the following criteria:

Technical feasibility.
The highest volume of material used (partial volumes will be also evaluated)
The best Business Case (the lowest operational cost and the highest value)
The lowest hazard of the product generated or solution provided.

14,000€ will be shared between a maximum of 3 solutions, the best of this competition.

* Details may apply. See contest website to confirm eligibility.

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