Individuals Taking Energy Action in Manufacturing (ITEAM) Prize Competition

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Individuals Taking Energy Action in Manufacturing (ITEAM) Prize Competition Deadline: 2019-05-15
Award: $75,000
Open to: US citizen 18+ employed by US manufacturer*

Energy efficiency is contagious. Share your best ideas and practices for generating measurable energy savings at U.S. manufacturing facilities.

Making smart energy investments will enhance our nation’s security, productivity, and energy independence. For manufacturers, every dollar saved allows for investment in production, facilities, and jobs that ultimately makes U.S. companies more competitive and resilient. Improving the energy performance of manufacturing facilities has a broad impact; savings from reduced operating expenses can be reinvested in technology upgrades and new jobs.

Finding ways to cut costs through energy savings seems like an obvious strategy; however, many times these opportunities go unrealized due to competing demands for capital, plant personnel, lack of information, or lack of attention/prioritization.

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Individuals Taking Energy Action in Manufacturing (ITEAM) Prize competition seeks to identify and attract attention to a wide range of ideas and practices that are driving measureable energy savings at U.S. manufacturing plants to stimulate innovation at other facilities. To do so, DOE is launching the ITEAM Prize competition as a means to:

(1) Find individuals who are responsible for creative, specific, and innovative ideas and practices that led to significant, measurable energy savings at their manufacturing facilities; and

(2) Encourage those individuals to widely share their ideas and practices for the benefit of U.S. Manufacturing facilities nationwide.

Through the ITEAM Prize competition, DOE is seeking the ideas and best practices from employees on the plant floor all around the country who not only recognize the importance of saving energy but are making it happen, strengthening their company’s competitiveness and driving cost savings in the process.

* Details may apply. See contest website to confirm eligibility.

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