Innovation Articles

By Peter Brooke

Innovation Myths Debunked: Part II


Today’s business world is buzzing with talk about innovators and innovation. While it’s a good thing that innovation is on the forefront of people’s minds, popular thinking about innovation and the culture of innovation in business is often substantially misguided. There are widespread myths about innovation and innovators that lead to significant misconceptions and can ultimately even hinder or destroy the innovation process.

Innovation Myths Debunked: Part I


But for all the buzz-worthy chitchat and media and corporate attention given to innovation, there is nevertheless a massive amount of misinformation concerning innovation—as if innovation is a secret society shrouded in mystery and only accessible to the elite or those lucky enough to be in the know. This has led to the perpetuation of many popular myths about innovators and innovation. Not only are these myths leading to the spread of false information but also these myths are slowing down innovation and holding back would-be innovators and innovation in business.

Fundamentals of Sustaining Innovation in Your Business


Every business needs to keep an eye on the market to stay ahead of the competition. One of the easiest ways to do this is to encourage a culture of sustain innovation amongst employees. Whether a business is big or small, everyone can innovate at some level as long as the staff is allowed time to do so. Take a look at some of these best practices to sustain innovation to determine which ones to put in place right away.