Innovative People

Jack Grenan

Jack Grenan My name is Jack Grenan. I am a Christian married father of 5 great children. All went to college, no drugs , drinking I solved a lot of problems and had to be creative. I am creative. I am a psychologist who solves problems using the theory of cognitive behavioralism. Change the way people think and you can alter their behavior. I had a scholarship to Michigan state in part due to a 1270 sat. I graduate in 22 months. I had a father who drank & beat on me so I was on my own very young. I worked 2 /3 jobs so i approached college as a job. working 8 hours a day plus ...I took 36 credits per term. I have a BA with dble major in poli sci & Geography, MA education 3.9 gpa. MS Psychology and Psych License due from Stte of Michigan i returned to school at age 50. PhD in Hypnotherapy. I also have worked with US Veterans from Nam and Iraq.I was drafted in 1972. I am limited psychically due to 4 yr colon cancer struggle that was in 5 lymph nodes. I was in a coma for 3 months died...I was in hospital 7 straights months. I am in remission after 7 months chem. i am blessed and lucky & happy with my family.Thank You I look forward to solving problems & working with others!!
of I listed my credentials and experience ... I am not arrogant so please do not take this answer as such Thank You
I spent 3 yrs fighting 4th stage colon cancer in 5 lymph nodes, I spent 3 months in coma. I had $6,000,000.00 in bills and had to problem solving and keeping my family together ...

Languages Jack Grenan speaks:
