Problem Solver

Ronald Ray

Ronald Ray

Areas Ronald Ray is Knowledgeable in:

Natural language processing, Web services, Text Classification, Genetic Algorithms

Techniques Ronald Ray Uses:

Prototyping, Levering learning algorithms, Genetic algorithms, Bayesian Analysis, Feature extraction

Ronald Ray's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Semantic Analysis
  2. Search
  3. Natural Language Processing
  4. Distributed Computing
  5. Computational Linguistics
  6. Data Mining
  7. Web Services

Ronald Ray's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have deployed web service applications that assist people in learning more about what web page they are looking at.
  2. I have developed large scale data lookup engines that can look up results in a several hundred million key-value pair table in O(length(key)) time.
  3. I have developed a keyword ranking and several keyword generation algorithms based on both immediate (in-text) data and contextual data.