Innovative People

Brad Pallister

Brad Pallister I am an ideation and brainstorming specialist, concentrating on assisting clients with bringing new products to market.

Transforming a good idea into a valid business case is far from simple.

The unique company setup we are building at Innovolo allows us to conduct comprehensive feasibility studies that provide the necessary reality check of your project and help you prioritise.

At Innovolo we believe that real insight is structured around three pillars of information: published information obtained through specialist research and analytics, stuff that’s in your head and internal knowledge. Our market research services can be tailored to optimise intelligence from each of these sources. It's like your innovation insurance policy. Don't be without it.

Once we've carried out some initial basic market research, this is where we start getting serious.

And excited.

Because ideation can often be the most exciting stage in an innovation project.

Also known as Brainstorming on Steroids, this is where we ask the probing questions. We innovate with a strong focus on your users, their demands, and your insights about them, assisting you in stepping past the obvious resolutions and massively strengthening the innovation potential of your solution.

Revealing unexpected areas of innovation.

New strategic direction? Maybe even a completely new business model. Most of the time it’s just what everyone thinks of innovation to be: a new product, service or feature.

Doesn’t have to be that way. There are so many ways you can innovate and outstrip your competition. Create volume and diversity in your innovation opportunities.

You will come away from our workshops with ideas. Lots of them. Tangible, meaningful, and usually lucrative ideas.

We can guarantee that.