Problem Solver

Dennis Sweitzer

Dennis Sweitzer

Areas Dennis Sweitzer is Knowledgeable in:

Biostatistics, general statistics,

Techniques Dennis Sweitzer Uses:

Mixed Effect Repeated measure models, survival analysis, generalized linear models, multiple comparisons, multivariate statistics, logistic regression.

Dennis Sweitzer's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. SAS statistical programming
  2. Informatics
  3. R statistical programming
  4. outcomes research
  5. biostatistics
  6. health economics
  7. multivariate statistical analysis
  8. statistics
  9. clinical trials
  10. simulation

Dennis Sweitzer's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Clinical Trial Design: Designed & delivered active comparator studies comparing efficacy, safety, cognition, outcomes, and health economics endpoints; Designed, implemented and delivered 1st randomized withdrawal study of Seroquel maintenance of effect in mood disorder patients, which became the model for similar subsequent studies; Explored, designed & implemented ways of executing cross-over studies in new analysis & reporting computer system which was previously only used for acute studies, and delivered 1st such study.
  2. Took initiative to use simulations to design and manage clinical studies, resulting in better planning and resource allocation; Methods saved up to $1million (estimated) in some large studies; Used simulations to evaluate planning assumptions from observed study data, which resulted in timely modifications to studies, adjustments to timelines and expectations of other studies, and identification and termination of failing studies.
  3. Clinical Research: Extensive clinical statistics experience, including cognition, schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, anxiety, stroke, headache, asthma, and oncology.