Problem Solver

Garbhan Mc Caffrey

As an architect i have many years of experience dealing with complex problem solving requests from clients - i have found solutions to construction problems, energy efficiency problems, social issues - but more importantly i have developed skills that allow me to view any problem from outside the box, solutions are often obvious as long as your perspective is correct.

Areas Garbhan Mc Caffrey is Knowledgeable in:

design - all types
energy conservation

Techniques Garbhan Mc Caffrey Uses:

profession designer - problem solving is a day to day requirement for an architect

Garbhan Mc Caffrey's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. graphic designer
  2. serial inventor

Garbhan Mc Caffrey's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. As an architect i am constantly designing solutions to problems - building products only perform when used together in the right manor but more importantly we can improve greatly on the performance of building elements by innovative detailing.