Problem Solver

Luigi Gentile star Proven Solver

Areas Luigi Gentile is Knowledgeable in:

Smart material for biological and pharmaceutical applications.
Physical chemistry characterization of soft matter.
Flow behaviour of complex fluids and solids.
Polymer-surfactant interactions.
Cellulose dissolution and structural characterization.
Research and innovation in the agro-alimentary field.
Bituminous materials studied by Rheology and NMR.
Lyotropic phase behaviour of amphiphiles.

Techniques Luigi Gentile Uses:

- Mathematical
- Experimental Analysis (NMR, Rheology etc...)
- Bibliography

Luigi Gentile's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. colloids
  2. scattering
  3. spectroscopy
  4. pharmaceuticals

Luigi Gentile's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. - I formulated cosmetic and food preparation based on emulsifier or geleator
  2. - I developed a new method to perform Inverse Laplace Transform with high accuracy in order to obtain more information from spin-spin relaxation time Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments.