Innovative People

Venkatesan Parkunan

Venkatesan Parkunan I have over 10 years of research work experience on plant pathogens such as fungi, nematodes, oomycetes (phytophthora, pythium and downy mildew), viruses and bacteria. I worked on >14 agricultural and horticultural crops in 3 US states. My work involve both fundamental lab work and applied greenhouse and field work.

My specialties include: Phytophthora, pythium, fungi and nematodes, field and greenhouse research, plant pathogen identification, culture, inoculation, pathogenicity, molecular markers, fungicide resistant markers, primer design, PCR, qPCR, chemical bioassay, pathogen screening, pesticide applications, fungicide efficacy evaluation, screening pesticides, bio-control agents, disease resistance screening, lab & greenhouse management, disease diagnostics & management, seed treatment, data analyses and Interpretation.

I am a creative thinker and performer. I am always looking for ways to simplify complex processes and protocols. Innovating something new for better world is my hobby and passion. I am good at mixing art and science to find new ways to approach a problem and solve.

Languages Venkatesan Parkunan speaks:
