EuMoBot Travels by Changing Shape

EuMoBot Travels by Changing Shape
The innovative EuMoBot multi-segmented soft robot travels through liquids by changing its shape.

The EuMoBot was inspired by the unicellular flagellates of the Euglena family, which are able to move through small and cluttered spaces by changing the shape of their body. To replicate this method of propulsion, the research team developed a multi-segmented soft robot featuring fluid-filled elastomeric chambers that can expand and contract. In tests with robots of different sizes, the bots were able to move at speeds of 1/5 body lengths per cycle for the smaller EuMoBot, and 1/10 body lengths per cycle for the larger.

The team believes the EuMoBots could have particular applications in moving through tight and crowded spaces, such as would be required during search and rescue missions.

EuMoBot Travels by Changing Shape

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