Noctura-400 Shines a Light to Prevent Blindness

Noctura-400 Shines a Light to Prevent Blindness
The Noctura-400 mask from PolyPhotonix helps prevent diabetic related blindness by preventing the wearer’s eyes from dark-adapting in order to maintain oxygen to the retina.

Diabetic retinopathy, caused by reduced blood circulation and lack of oxygen to the retina, is the leading cause of adult blindness in the U.S. The retina is particularly vulnerable at night, when the dark-adjusted rods draw more oxygen than the light-sensitive cones. This causes the body to create more blood vessels in the area—but the vessels are weak and prone to leaking, which in turn can eventually cause blindness.

To help prevent the rods from dark-adapting (thus eliminating the production of new blood vessels), the Noctura-400 mask shines a continuous light on the wearer’s closed eyes as they sleep. The light was specifically designed to prevent dark-adaptation without stimulating the photoreceptive cells, allowing the patient to sleep comfortably.

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