Propeller Sensor Tracks Inhaler Use and Air Quality

Propeller Sensor Tracks Inhaler Use and Air Quality
The Propeller sensor promises better management of asthma and COPD by allowing users to keep track of their medication use, symptoms and triggers as well as where their flare-ups occur.

Doctors recommend that COPD and asthma patients monitor their medication use in order to better understand their symptoms and exacerbations—a daily chore that most people fail to complete accurately. To simplify the process, the Propeller sensor attaches to the top of the patient's inhaler to record the time and location each time the inhaler is used. The data is sent to a smartphone via Bluetooth, and the geolocation information can also be used to help create a map of areas where people are experiencing difficulty breathing.

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I I would really like one of those devices since I feel my medication is being stolen and I am not aware of how this is happening. Could you please send me how you buy your product and how to use it. It would be very helpful because I have had this problem all my life and I am now 63 yrs old. My daughter died to not having better control of hers and my other daughter could use one of your devices as well.
Posted by Harbhagen Veilleux on July 12, 2015

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