Rose-Inspired Water Filter

Rose-Inspired Water Filter
An innovative water filter inspired by the shape of the rose can collect and produce purified water at a fraction of the cost of current options.

Developed by a team from the University of Texas at Austin, the innovate device relies on a new form of solar steaming made possible by shaping layered sheets of black paper into petals. The black filtered paper sheets were coated with a special polymer called polypyrrole, which is very efficient at converting solar light to heat. Water collected by the device is channeled through the structure and into the ‘petals,’ where it is condensed and the purified steam collected at a rate of more than half a gallon per square meter per hour.

According to lead author Weigu Li, "Our rational design and low-cost fabrication of 3-D origami photothermal materials represents a first-of-its-kind portable low-pressure solar-steaming-collection system. This could inspire new paradigms of solar-steaming technologies in clean water production for individuals and homes."

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