Highly Effective Energy Dissipation Apparatus for the Seismic Protection of Structures

This invention describes an energy dissipation apparatus for installation in structural frames to mitigate seismic effects. The design comprises a scissor-jack system of braces with an energy dissipation device such as a viscous, viscoelastic or hys teretic damper, or an active or semi-active device connected between opposing pivot joints of the scissor-scissor jack system. The scissor jack system magnifies displacement so that energy is dissipated more effectively by the damper. Open bay, diago nal, and alternative installation arrangements with respect to a structural frame are disclosed. The invention also discloses novel placement of the apparatus in order to achieve desirable results.

Typically, energy dissipation devices today occu py the entire bay, whereas this device can be adjusted for minimal (in which the same level of energy dissipation as is achieved as if offered by current technology) or larger (where extremely high levels of energy dissipation are achieved) dissipati on. The results are improved performance of the structural system and decreased cost.

Categories: General Engineering

Patents Issues: 6,438,905

Type of Offer: Licensing

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