The Electronic Portfolio (EP)

CTE?s Electronic Portfolio system is a web-based application that provides an educator with a powerful and dynamic framework for creating, maintaining, and disseminating a professional portfolio. The system also integrates communication tools that allow portfolio owners to request feedback from trusted colleagues and advisors while maintaining the security and confidentiality of the portfolio during the development process. The Electronic Portfolio can then be used by an educator: 1) to demonstrate mastery of a set of content or teaching standards required for graduation, re-certification, etc., 2) to maintain an ongoing record of professional development experiences, and 3) to assist in an employment search by providing a convenient means to share knowledge, skills, and examples of work. Description (Set) Proposed Use (Set) For the EP system, CTE would act as an application service provider (ASP), selling rights to the application for individuals, or more likely, groups. Educators who have paid for the service, or who belong to a group that has paid, would each have the ability to create, maintain, and publish their own professional portfolio using our EP system.

Inventor(s): Nunn, Jacqueline

Type of Offer: Licensing

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