New fiber reinforced plastic rod for the reinforcement of Concrete

Solution / invention summary :
New fiber reinforced plastic rod for the reinforcement of concrete. The rod has helical ribs and lobes along its length and has mechanical interlock built within. With this technology, the shear transfer between the rod and the concrete is through mechanical interlock, in addition to the friction between the rod and the concrete.

Advantages / benefits :
- New rod has mechanical interlock built within its first construction which makes it a much more effective reinforcing bar than current rods with just interfacial friction;
- The shear transfer strength is comparable to steel and much more superior than the current rod on the market;
- Made using thermoplastic resin, rather than polyester, which allows the bar to be bendable;
- Can be produced economically.

Potential applications :
For concrete reinforcement with fiber reinforced plastic currently made by pultrusion technology.

Licensing opportunity :
Technology available for licensing. Looking for strategic partnership with companies that are manufacturing the current rods using pultrusion technology.

Type of Offer: Licensing

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