Nanometer Particles Fabrication

This invention involves the fabrication of sub micrometer to nanometer scale particles in large quantities. It makes use of the nucleation of solute molecules or atoms in a homogeneous solution. By controlling the nucleation at below critical size for growth, and subsequently brining the solution system up to the supercritical point of the solvent, the particle suspension in the liquid phase can be instantaneously converted to that in a gas phase slow releasing of the solvent vapor will allow for the collection of the nanometer size particles. The quantity of the particle collection is determined by the original size of the solution and can be used in a wide range of solution systems for the fabrication of fine particles.

This invention is useful for fabricating large quantities of nanometer size ceramic particles for applications like
*The fabrication of advanced ceramic materials.
*Particulate catalyst carrier.
*Starting materials for advanced composite fabrications.
*Quantum effect semiconducting particles for electronic and optical applications
*Ultrafine abrasives.

Stage of Development
This technology is part of an active and ongoing research program and is seeking partners for development of the working product. It is available for developmental research support/licensing under either exclusive or non-exclusive terms.

Additional Info

Inventor(s): Terry Ring, Ren Xu

Type of Offer: Licensing

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