Templates for Interactive Animation, Image and Movie Viewing

This technology describes the use of the commercial version of the Macromedia�s Studio MX for creation of templates that enhance the user experience by introducing user friendly features such as the following.
*Display & interactive viewing of images, movies, and animations over the internet
*Interactive media that allows the user to pan, zoom in/out
*Highlighting areas with a click of a button or rollover of mouse through use of scalable vector graphics
*Linking expert knowledge to each structure
*Capability to add/remove texts, buttons or layers by a click
*Load/unload layers of image with a push of a button
*Capability to view individual structures by removing layers from an image
*Capability to load externally and play different media sequentially

*Internet Lecturing tools
*Web self-study and review tools
*Online paper libraries available can be made available as interactive pages

Stage of Development
This technology is available for licensing under exclusive or non-exclusive terms.

Additional Info

Inventor(s): K. Bo Foreman, David Morton, Kurt Albertine

Type of Offer: Licensing

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