EmboGel / EmboClear Therapeutic Solution � Dissolvable radio-opaque alginate-based biomaterial for endovascular delivery and controlled therapeutic agent release

Johns Hopkins University is seeking licensees for EmboCaps and Emboclear. EmboCaps are an alginate matrix with controllable porosity that provides diffusion-controlled release of therapeutic agents. EmboClear is an alginate dissolving solution with minimal toxicity in vivo and enables erosion-controlled agent release from EmboCaps. Description (Set) Advantages:
• Adjustable porosity of EmboCaps and control of delivery time and dosage of EmboClear after embolization gives clinicians unprecedented control over the release of bioactive agents from an embolic particle.
• Permits encapsulation of thousands of liposomes containing small molecule therapeutics for extended drug release profiles.
• Creation of a reversible stasis allows delivery of a high payload of therapeutic agent to a targeted area for intravascular delivery strategies.
• Embolization with EmboCaps reduces the potential of upregulation of VEGF and other angiogenic factors that is known to occur with traditional non-resorbable spheres on prolonged embolization.
• Stable incorporation of contrast agents in EmboCaps allows visual assessment of microspheres location with MRI, CT or ultrasound.
• EmboGel is non-adhesive to reduce the risk of microcatheter tip retention as seen during delivery of other liquid embolic agents.
• EmboGel is radio-opaque without the need of additional opacifying agents to increase patient comfort, and also reduce complexity of medical procedures. Proposed Use (Set) Injectable EmboGel can be commercialized as a stand-alone embolic agent or as a bulking material for plastic and reconstructive procedures. EmboGel can be used as a transport vector for the delivery and/or controlled release of a large array of bioactive agents, such as drugs, peptides, gene vectors, cells, or radiolabeled particles. Combination with EmboClear solution allows secondary remodeling and consistency adjustment of EmboCaps microspheres. EmboClear solution could be used for dissolving alginate in vivo in a number of therapeutic applications including cell and tissue growth support scaffolding and drug release.

Inventor(s): Gailloud, Philippe

Type of Offer: Licensing

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