Emulsified Zero-Valent Iron (EZVI) (KSC-12246)

Emulsified Zero-Valent Iron is a versatile technology that can be used at many of these locations. Applicable sites may include: dye and paint manufacturers;dry cleaners; chemical manufacturers; metal cleaning and degreasing facilities; leather-tanning facilities; pharmaceutical manufacturers; adhesive and aerosol manufacturers; and government facilities. Thousands of DNAPL-contaminated sites have been identified across the United States; however, few technologies exist that can treat DNAPL¿s in a timely and cost-effective manner. For example, traditional pump-and-treat methods can require decades of treatment time and operational costs. Other methods that treat DNAPL¿s in place, such as steam injection and radio-frequency-heating, are expensive and can cause contaminant mobilization. NASA¿s EZVI technology overcomes these limitations by providing a method that is quick, effective, and cost-competitive. EZVI involves placing nano-scale zero-valent iron particles into a surfactant-stabilized, biodegradable oil-in-water emulsion. This emulsion is injected into the DNAPL-contaminated zones of the subsurface. The DNAPL is then pulled into the emulsion where the contaminant reacts with the zerovalent iron. Through a process known as reductive dehalogenation, the DNAPL and its daughter products are degraded into ethene and other hydrocarbons. These by-products are finally broken down through biological activities in the subsurface.

Type of Offer: Licensing

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