Novel Doppler Method

Recent advances have demonstrated the feasibility of molecular imaging using targeted microbubbles and ultrasound. However, one technical challenge is to selectively detect targeted bubbles from those freely flowing bubbles and surrounding tissue. Pulse Inversion Doppler (PID) is a known imaging technique which enables the selective detection of both static and moving ultrasound contrast agents. However, one disadvantage of PID is that a second pulse must be an identical but inverted copy of the first pulse and so the duration of each pulse when using the PID technique must be the same.

Researchers have developed an alternative imaging method which can discriminate between static and moving ultrasound contrast agents and is advantageous over PID in that the duration of each pulse can differ. As a result, the new method can be readily implemented on a wider variety of ultrasonic scanners compared to PID since it does not require phase inversion or amplitude modulation. Furthermore, this novel technique is also more versatile as parameters can be altered and combined to suit the imaging conditions and improve contrast.

Patent Status
A patent application has been filed and the owner is now seeking partners for further development and licensing.

Case 4834

Type of Offer: Licensing

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