Innovation Articles

By Stefan Lindegaard

A Roadmap for Building Corporate Innovation Capabilities


What should a roadmap that helps you develop corporate innovation capabilities look like? How do you bring new thoughts and approaches together with current and past initiatives (both successes and failures) and turn this into a single framework? How do you keep pushing and developing your organization to become more flexible and agile without losing out on the current overall efforts and expected results?

Open Innovation: How to Build Stronger Networks


Why should you expand your network and what do you expect to gain from it? Too often, we see companies, teams as well as individuals, who network just for the sake of it. There has to be a purpose to our networking efforts if we want to maximize the value we get out of it. If not, this can be one of the major suckers of the resource that is so precious to all of us; time.

The Perfect Storm: Why Big Companies Get Better at Innovation


I had an interesting discussion recently in which I heard arguments why big companies are not good at innovation and why this will not change in the future, which belongs to the more nimble and adaptive startups. Things will change and we will see that big companies will improve significantly on their innovation efforts in the next 3-7 years.

4 Lenses of Innovation: A Great Tool for Creativity and Innovation


Rowan states that if we unpack hundreds of cases of successful innovation, it turns out that there is a common signature to all of these big ideas. Time and again, visionary inventors and entrepreneurs came to their insights and discoveries not by sitting there waiting for a Eureka moment but by looking at the world from particular perspectives.

Are You Ready to Change the Future of Innovation?


The future of innovation needs to change. Will you help make it happen? This is what I believe in. The future of innovation – and business – is driven by three global mega-trends: Everything moves faster, everything will be connected and there will be a much higher degree of transparency. Thus, we need a different approach on innovation. Here you have my current thoughts (work in progress) on this.

Innovation: We Do Not Have Time for It!


It is my experience that most corporate innovators – and corporate employees in general – work in a very special box with a clear mark on it. It says URGENT! We are stuck in the “urgent” box. Everyone is just too busy and this is a problem in particular with innovation as you really need to get some down time to reflect on what is happening and what can be done differently next time.

10 Predictions in Innovation for 2025


How will science and technology affect our lives in the next decade? Thomson Reuters resources, including the Web of Science and Derwent World Patents Index, with their coverage of current concentration and accelerating trends in today’s research and innovation, provide a look ahead with these 10 predictions.

How Crowdsourcing Becomes an Innovation Engine: 6 Rules to Follow


At Novozymes, an industrial bio-tech company, internal crowdsourcing is an important means to engage the employees in the creative process. The crowdsourcing campaigns have proved to be very successful with high engagement levels and many qualified proposals, some of which even led to patent applications. This is what we have experienced of do’s and don’ts when it comes to achieving successful crowdsourcing.

A Safe Approach to Open Innovation: Start Within Your Company!


I would guesstimate that about 20% of the bigger companies (more than 500 employees) understand open or external innovation in the sense that this is no longer a novelty within the company, but an approach that is now a key element in their innovation efforts. They are still experimenting with the right approach and the mix of internal and external resources, but they are on track to make this work.

Driving Innovation in Small Companies: A Collection of Perspectives and Resources


Most companies around the world are small and medium sized (50-250 people) and yet the main attention of innovation is geared towards startups and big corporates.

7 Steps for Open Innovation – A New Model for Embracing Open Innovation


We have too few processes and models that can help companies that want to embrace open innovation. There is the “Want-Find-Get-Manage” model as developed by Gene Slowinski, but that is about it.

This needs to change and I have begun developing a model on how companies can embrace open innovation. It is based on these 7 steps:

Unsuccessful Open Innovation


There are lots of stories about successful open innovation initiatives, but we do not really hear much about those that fail. I see three key reasons for this: 1) Lack of willingness to share failures, 2) Open Innovation is a never-ending process, 3) Copanies have not even started their open innovation journey.

Protection versus Connection: An Open Innovation Mindset


Even though, the open innovation movement is more than 10 years old, we still see people who are more concerned about protecting their assets rather than connecting them with others in order to create more opportunities faster.

It seems as if we still have to remind ourselves of this great qoute by Bill Joy: “Not all the smart people work for you.”

Open Innovation Side Effects


Open innovation will not only lead to new ways of making innovation happen. Innovation leaders and their executives will also experience side effects. I think most of these effects will be positive, but some will be mixed or perhaps even negative.

As innovation leaders and their executives implement open innovation practices, they can just as well start figuring out how to deal with side effects of open innovation such as described below.