Computer Science Inventions

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Technique for contact importing from social media platform

The "Technique for Contact Importing from Social Media Platform" provides an efficient and seamless method for users to save contacts directly from their social media applications to their mobile devices


A good decoration for desktop.

Dual Screen Monitor

Monitor with two display (screen), one on the front and other on the back.

Deleting Criminal Spammers from the Internet for Good

Folowing my formula, anybody can remove a criminal spammer from the Internet for good.

Chemistry Hockey

Is about chemistry in the game on the logo.. can have a player creation that can be supported financially!

Glove keyboard

The device consists of (1) a system of sensors located on the fingertips which respond to the movement of a finger on the surface depending on its direction, as well as to the pressing with finger, and (2) a device for transmitting the signal generated to data processing device.

FLIP ME folding laptop stand resolves technical problems like lightweight, folding and portable stand.

Flip open for easy use on any surface, and can be used at home on your couch, bed and it is a perfect companion for car, train, air travel or in waiting rooms. This product also protect your furniture and legs from heating, and providing for air circulation to keep your notebook cooler. Beacause of the flat base the stand can be put on any surface and perfectly fits on your lap.

Mouse Phone

pc mouse that allows users to operate there pc and telephone at the same time.

Unforgettable Usb flash drive

a flash disk with a cover that makes beeps when the user gets far from the flash disk


This is the new dimention of an HI-TEC to get our DREAMS recorded unto the Computer.One need to put this device on before sleep. Thereafter, it will record down any dream or dreams with the help of the computer.

Secure my Private e-mails inside my inbox

I will like to have the ability to password protect any email coming from or going to my banker and other financial service.

Statements Repository

when any user access any database system from his work station, the database should before execute this statement create something called execution plan of this statment. generation of execution plan take some time before bringing the required data from the data files. my idea : saving time of generation of execution plans by creation repository which contain all execution plans.

coureir/ delivery driver guider

its a software program that guide coureir or delivery driver were the shortiest way to travel.

New PC Gaming Mouse

New function for PC mouse

Remote Internet System Control (RISC)

The RISC is a programmable Remote Control Devicethat will remotely control and power on all of your Hardware associated with your internet system.


The proprietary technology eliminates the metallic contacts and covers the smart card with the defensive plastic, and, therefore, protects completely the direct physical attacks on the card and the terminal. The technology provides the contactless powering of the smart card adequate to equip the card with microprocessor, cryptocontroller and memory similar to the contact smart card ones and consequently to employ any advanced security algorithms and protocols requiring the microprocessor and cryptocontroller.


The proprietary technology eliminates the metallic contacts and covers the smart card with the defensive plastic, and, therefore, protects completely the direct physical attacks on the card and the terminal. The proprietary technology employs the broadband frequency hopping method for the contactless smart card communication instead of present modulation methods.

I have sold my invention, the (Samson) Electron Battery Accelerator due to the listing on IdeaConnection. Thanks, was a great place for exposure to the public!
– Ken F.

Thanks IdeaConnection!
My Egg Cracker invention is now under licence in the United States, thanks to my listing on your inventions page.
– John O.