Composition and Method for Manufacturing of Glass-ceramic Products from Industrial Waste, Glass and Clay

The present invention relates to the direction of technology of materials, respectively, to the manufacturing process of glass-ceramic materials and composition of glass-ceramic materials produced from fly ash from electro filters, peat ash and from two different types of clay - lime-less clay and lime-rich clay. From investigation evaluating the data obtained by the studies of structure, physical, chemical and mineralogical composition as well as chemical durability of glass-ceramics, it could be concluded that the concentration of harmful elements is considerably reduced due to their incorporation into the insulated glassy matrix or in the structure of newly formed crystalline phases, for example, K2Pb2O3 and ZnFe2O4 which are created during the sintering process. In present invention the dense glass-ceramic articles are produced, which could be applied as a road surfacing pavement, floor tildes, exterior decoration tiles and other building materials. The obtained articles correspond to the following characterizations: thermal shrinkage 10 to 20 %, water uptake 0.1 to 0.2 %, bulk density 2.5 to 2.8 g/cm3, compression strength - more as 50 MPa, abrasion resistance -more as 100 mm3.

LV 14,118


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