Mobile Structure to work without Pain or Enjoy with Computer Equipment Couplable to Reclining Chairs

Patent of comfortable working system, or video games or virtual reality. We have developed a product (An already Patented Invention). The product is a reclining chair or office chair (which allows you to work or entertain yourself (video games, virtual reality), either in traditional upright office or with a few simple clicks become a chair that allows you to work or entertain with the computer or Computer systems in a reclined form, without tension in the back, giving comfort and health, which is what people want and the reason why a product becomes profitable.

With this product you do not have to be remembering ergonomic postures, directly back has no tensions. This product offers what is always sought by customers, COMFORT AND HEALTH.

Attached files:
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Oficina 1_C Salt.jpg

ES 201,631,099 issued 2016-09-07   [MORE INFO]
US 201,800,495,441 issued 2018-09-09   [MORE INFO]

Type of Offer: Sale

Asking Price: US$99,000

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