An Electrochromic Smart Window Based on a Three-electrode Configuration

Introduction Electrochromic (EC) polymer films in an electrolyte solution are generally electrochemically switched between states using a standard three-electrode configuration. Devices made from these films, however, are operated using a twoelectrode configuration. When the potential drop between the electrodes is significant, the applied potential must be adjusted or control is lost. Technology description Researchers at the UW have developed a polymer electrochromic device that is designed and operated based off of a three-electrode configuration. The addition of the third layer allows the applied potential to remain constant and controlled, resulting in a stable, fast, and repeatable device. Business opportunity This technology would allow the occupant of a building or the driver of a car to control interior light levels as well as the flow of infrared heat, reducing the energy necessary for lighting, heating, and cooling. Additionally, glare could be controlled, and privacy provided without the use of blinds or drapes. Stage of development Initial data and a working prototype exist for this technology. Intellectual property position This technology is available for licensing.

Type of Offer: Licensing

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