Detection of Single Nanoparticle Collisions by Electrocatalytic Amplification and its Analytical Applications in Nanotechnology and Biotechnology

Background Current detector/sensor technology has been used to detect the presence of molecules in substances quickly and with relatively high sensitivity. For example, the average diabetic is able to quickly test his blood with the prick of a finger. Conventional technology allows for this quick analysis under the condition that the substance being testing for is present in relatively high concentrations. This technology has the potential to detect the presence of substances in solutions given concentrations that are 1000 times lower than those currently detectable.

Invention Description This technology provides for a sensor which can detect trace elements in solution at very low concentrations. The technology can be tailored to detect many substances, including but not limited to viruses, bacteria, and carcinogens.


Tailor-to-application design enables the detection of targeted substances Positive detection at the single-particle level is possible


Relies on basic electrical laws to amplify the actual reaction signature. Design features low upkeep/maintenance expense of base detector unit

Market Potential/Applications The applications of this technology are wide ranging. This technology could see usage in water testing, medical laboratory testing, homeland security detectors, or even thin film porosity testing. This technology could be useful in any application where detection of low concentrations of substances is necessary.

Development Stage Lab/bench prototype

IP Status One PCT patent application filed

UT Researcher Allen J. Bard, Ph.D., Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Texas at Austin Fu-Ren F. Fan, Ph.D., Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Texas at Austin Xiaoyin Xiao, Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Texas at Austin

Type of Offer: Licensing

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