Integrated Reaction Wheel Assembly for Spacecraft Attitude Control (GSC-13649)

The IRWA was developed for NASA's Small Explorer Lite program - an initiative to provide small, low-cost, high-performance/reliability spacecraft. Designed primarily for small (100 to 1,000 kg) spacecraft launched from a Pegasus-class vehicle, the IRWA provides unique plug-and-play capabilities. The stand-alone assembly contains all necessary power converter, commutation, control, and telemetry electronics. The IRWA can be operated with a current (torque) controller or speed (momentum) controller. Modular interface electronics provide adaptability to any spacecraft computer interface via a standard serial communications interface. Mechanically, the unsealed design reduces the weight and cost associated with complex o-ring seal designs. The flywheel is cantilevered off the motor shaft, enabling the entire rotating assembly to be balanced while fully assembled. The IRWA is of interest to spacecraft manufacturers and suppliers of spacecraft components. A company could offer the IRWA as a complete product or select components with specific design features to improve other products.

Type of Offer: Licensing

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