High Organic Content Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas


Periodic mesoporous organosilica (PMO) materials with well-defined pores and morphologies exhibit unique catalytic, sensor, optical, magnetic, or electrical properties, whereby the organic functionalization of an inorganic porous host can play an important role. A diversity of organics has been incorporated into these PMOs, leading to a functional mesostructures allowing for powder and support films.


A novel PMO material consisting of cyclic siliconorganic units as building blocks that allows for a significant increase in the organic content. This high organic group content PMO has shown to improve material properties over the current PMOs. It can be obtained in various morphologies like powders or thin films. Improvements are seen in moisture sensitivity, low dielectric constant, and elastic modulus in films produced on silicon wafers; thus rending the material useful in microelectronic applications. Other applications are currently under investigation in the catalysis, protein adsorption, optical coatings, thermal insulation, drug release, abrasion resistance, and low index of refraction applications.

Patent Status

US patent application has been filed.

Business Opportunity

The Innovations Group is seeking a licensee or partner to develop the technology on a commercial scale.

Type of Offer: Licensing

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