IdeaConnection Innovation

Posts in Innovation

3 Ways Open Innovation Companies Improve their Fortunes

3 Ways Open Innovation Companies Improve their Fortunes

Feb-01-12 By IdeaConnection
The Open Innovation Research Forum, part of the University of Cambridge has released a paper detailing the results of a study of almost 1200 German innovation companies.

According to a report at Open the scientists behind the paper put forward a hypothesis that there are a number of different innovation-enabling factors that generate greater revenue for organisations that adopt open innovation compared to those that don’t.
Chesbrough’s Open Innovation Policies for Europe

Chesbrough’s Open Innovation Policies for Europe

Jan-29-12 By IdeaConnection
Open innovation gurus Henry Chesbrough and Wim Vanhaverbeke have released a report that provides fresh insights on open innovation and public policies in Europe.

It was commissioned by the Science Business Innovation Board, and was presented at the European Commission's Innovation Convention in December.
Scientists Turn to Crowdfunding to Pay for Scientific Research

Scientists Turn to Crowdfunding to Pay for Scientific Research

Jan-25-12 By IdeaConnection
If you’re a frustrated scientist who’s having a tough time securing financial support for your research through normal channels, the journal Nature has some useful information and advice for you.

With conventional funding sources drying up a new scientific method has emerged; persuading members of the general public to donate small amounts of money instead of applying for grants.
Hyper Local Crowdfunding Platform

Hyper Local Crowdfunding Platform

Jan-24-12 By IdeaConnection
There are hundreds of crowdfunding initiatives, websites and projects asking people to pool their financial resources for a particular idea, product or service. Trendspotting website Springwise is highlighting an innovative new crowdfunding platform that takes a hyper-local approach by featuring one business a week and asking the neighbourhood and local community to support it.
Crowdsourced Motivation

Crowdsourced Motivation

Jan-22-12 By IdeaConnection
So how well are your New Year’s resolutions holding up? Still popping into the gym five times week? Haven’t touched a cigarette since New Year’s eve? Or did you crumble at the first hurdle and are now back to your old ways?

If you ever find it difficult to stick to a plan or goal that you have set for yourself (whether it’s a resolution or another objective at any time of year) why not let the crowd act as a motivator?
TV Viewer Finds Planet in Crowdsourcing Space Hunt

TV Viewer Finds Planet in Crowdsourcing Space Hunt

Jan-18-12 By IdeaConnection
BBC news is reporting that a UK TV viewer has spotted an unknown world beyond our solar system following a public planet hunting push initiated on a BBC programme.

Chris Holmes, an amateur astronomer from Peterborough detected the planet after logging onto the crowdsourcing website and by looking through time-lapsed images of stars.
Crowdsource Hunt for Planets in 48 Hours

Crowdsource Hunt for Planets in 48 Hours

Jan-17-12 By IdeaConnection
Venture into deep space from the comfort of your computer with the latest space-themed crowdsource initiative. Members of the public are being asked by the Planethunters website to hunt for planets that could support life.

The site has been up and running for more than a year but to tie in with a BBC series of programmes volunteers are being asked to classify 500,000 targets within the next 48 hours.
Citizen Journalist Website Receives Prestigious Award

Citizen Journalist Website Receives Prestigious Award

Jan-15-12 By IdeaConnection
Congratulations to non-profit organisation Ushahidi for winning the 2012 “Anvil of Freedom” award from Denver University’s Estlow Center for Journalism and New Media.

Since 2007 the citizen-powered website has allowed users to crowdsource information about humanitarian crises to enable individuals and journalists to find out what is going on during emergency situations and to help humanitarian organizations to respond quickly.
Star Trek Inspiration for Latest X Prize Contest

Star Trek Inspiration for Latest X Prize Contest

Jan-13-12 By IdeaConnection
The X Prize Foundation is at it again, firing up imaginations to inspire someone to create a world-beating technological advance.

This time round the call has gone out for the creation of a Star Trek-like medical "tricorder". Whoever succeeds will be able to swell their bank account by $10 million.
Selling Crowdfunding to Financiers

Selling Crowdfunding to Financiers

Jan-12-12 By IdeaConnection
The banks have pulled up their drawbridges and are refusing to lend money, VC funding is more of a mine field and most traditional forms of small business financing have dried up.

So with the world’s finances still in a mess how can entrepreneurs get access to funding streams?

Crowdfunding is one method that is gaining traction and its case will be put to investors at a key conference in New York on January 23rd.

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