IdeaConnection Innovation

New Crowdsourcing Platform Can Save You Money on Medical Bills

New Crowdsourcing Platform Can Save You Money on Medical Bills

Sep-25-12 By IdeaConnection
The crowd is smart and innovative. And it can be resourceful too, helping you to save money.

The costs of health-care are often a huge burden to households in the US, especially when there’s an unforeseen injury or illness.

Hoping to help people keep hold of more of their money and shed some light on medical costs is a website called Clear Health Costs that lets users know what others are paying for medical treatment.
Coca-Cola to Put More Fizz into its Innovation Endeavours

Coca-Cola to Put More Fizz into its Innovation Endeavours

Sep-23-12 By IdeaConnection
Coca-Cola has expressed its desire to be a less secretive company by announcing its intention to engage with open innovation endeavours such as crowdsourcing with customers and collaborating with its franchisees.

According to Marketing Week Anthony Newstead, Coca-Cola’s global director of innovation, IT and Interactive revealed that the company, famous for its ‘secret formula’ is to be more open across the business.
Three Inspirational Talks about Innovation and Creativity

Three Inspirational Talks about Innovation and Creativity

Sep-21-12 By IdeaConnection
Here’s a dose of Friday inspiration to fire up the brain cells as you head into the weekend – three talks on innovation and creativity that are so thought provoking that it’s like feeding your mind champagne and oysters.



Formula 1 Fuels Coffee Innovation

Formula 1 Fuels Coffee Innovation

Sep-18-12 By IdeaConnection
The Irish Times has illustrated a recent piece on open innovation with a wonderful example of how a company went outside its usual channels to improve one of its products.

Kraft Foods, no stranger to engaging external expertise for its innovation needs used the modeling technologies expertise of Formula 1 engineers to improve the flow of water through its Tassimo coffee capsules.
Countdown to the Open Innovation Leadership Forum

Countdown to the Open Innovation Leadership Forum

Sep-16-12 By IdeaConnection
In less than a month’s time some of open innovation’s leading lights will be heading to Chicago for the Open Innovation Leadership Forum.

An outgrowth of the Codev conference this highly popular event will attract leaders from companies that have embraced open innovation. For two days they will brainstorm ideas on how to tackle the challenges of creating more open organisations as they bring innovation into the 21st century.
How Open Innovation Can Make the Planet Greener

How Open Innovation Can Make the Planet Greener

Sep-16-12 By IdeaConnection
Sure, open innovation can help companies to innovate faster, create more diverse products, solve seemingly intractable challenges and generally help them steal a march on their competitors. But that’s not all.

The paradigm can provide the means by which many of the problems that vex society can be tackled as organisations turn to the crowd to help them cure diseases, regenerate urban areas, and solve environmental issues.

Here are three ways open innovation has been used to generate green innovations:
Learning from the Open Innovation Success of Others

Learning from the Open Innovation Success of Others

Sep-14-12 By IdeaConnection
Open innovation brings change, evolution and revolution that allows some companies to compete effectively in the complex global marketplace. That’s the message that comes out loud and clear from a report into open innovation by the Big Innovation Center.

And no matter what form open innovation takes and which platforms companies embrace the ultimate goals are the same – to increase innovation and realise increased value.
Ten of the Best Crowdfunding Sites for Entrepreneurs

Ten of the Best Crowdfunding Sites for Entrepreneurs

Sep-12-12 By IdeaConnection
The crowd can be there for you to help you innovate, solve challenges and get ahead of current thinking in your genre. And it can dip into its pockets to help fund your next big enterprise, something that’s being made easier with a plethora of crowdfunding platforms to be found on the Internet.

Crowdfunding is becoming an increasingly popular way for startups to secure finances to help them get off the ground.

The following ten sites are amongst the best resources on the web for crowdfunding.  Here they are in no particular order:
Sports Crowdfunding Platform Gets off the Starting Block

Sports Crowdfunding Platform Gets off the Starting Block

Sep-10-12 By IdeaConnection
On your mark, get set, go! A new crowdfunding platform has been launched that’s entirely for sports projects.

Capitalizing on the momentum and excitement generated by the Olympics and Paralympics a New Zealand website called Sportfunder aims to help individuals and clubs get their initiatives off the ground, even if they don’t reach their funding targets.
Barbie Doll Seduced by the Benefits of Crowdsourcing

Barbie Doll Seduced by the Benefits of Crowdsourcing

Sep-08-12 By IdeaConnection
The world’s most famous doll isn't only a fashion icon to millions of girls all over the planet; she’s also one smart cookie. To get ahead of her rivals and would-be pretenders to her throne she’s reaching out to the crowd for inspiration and innovation.

Toymaker Mattel, Inc., is embarking on an open innovation initiative for their Barbie and Hot Wheels brands and will ask consumers to come up with new product ideas.

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